Welcome to your Healing Haven 

It is an honor to be your personal channel of the Source of Unconditional Love, Wisdom and Light.

I pray my light supports you as it is meant to.


Readings Channeled by Hollie Renea

How does it work?
Are you ready? ❁ click here


The flow of my readings go a little like this  

After booking your session, it will arrive in 14-21 business days via email in video format.

{ My current business days are Tuesday-Friday AM and PM hours}

 ♡ The time in between can feel like an eternity as you await your messages.. rest assure it will flow to you in perfect Divine timing, always ♡

You can request questions or ask to focus on a specific area needing some extra attention.

Just a small note though, I always will prioritize the messages Spirit or your passed loved ones want to speak on. 

I've written a small bit about who I am and my journey below if you feel called to connect energetically

I offer my hand on a journey  as we bridge the physical realm to the spiritual together, one step at a time

 Not sure area of focus?

I can channel on anything that brings the frequency of the highest good of you

Some examples of my areas of expertise:
  •  General Reading/Insight and Encouragement 
  • Meet your Guides
  • Subconscious Beliefs
  • Year Ahead
  • Galactic federation of light advice
  • Future Self | Higher Self
  • Messages from the Angels
  • Business 
  • Connecting to Loved Ones no longer apart of the Physical Realm
Please note: I will not channel anyone's energy without their consent and choose to stay away from channeling medical or legal questions.


No matter what you choose, it'll be perfectly crafted for you. ❁

Mini Reading



Limited slots on these sessions - They are replenished on the first of every month
  • 15 Minute prerecorded reading
  • 15 minutes straight of channeling 
  • Downloadable video to keep for life
  • Energy cleansing for the entirety of your reading
  • Hear new messages and support even months later! 
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Focused Sessions


20 Minute Reading

  • 20 Minute prerecorded reading
  • 20 minutes straight of channeling 
  • Downloadable video to keep for life
  • Energy cleansing for the entirety of your reading
  • Hear new messages and support even months later
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In Depth Written


Typed PDF

  • 4-6 Pages Typed
  • Downloadable PDF 
  • Energy cleansing for the entirety of your reading
  • Hear new messages and support even months later
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Do you enjoy free channeled readings?

I post all over almost all the platforms close to everyday to serve and give channeled messages. 

Pick all your favorite spots and come join me! 

P.S. Check out my Spotify playlist to listen to while you listen to your reading! 

Feel called to support me as I support so many?

Donate to my mission


I am Hollie Renea, it's a pleasure to meet you, energetically.. hehe

A bit about my journey

I was born into a gifted family who served in a family music ministry and served hundreds within the Christian Faith. God has been a massive part of my entire life and I've always felt a special call from this Source. 

I started serving the collective with my messages in 2020 and it has grown into something I never dreamt possible. 

I have had the honor to channel thousands of readings and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

I am a mom of two boys, a wife and CEO and Founder of Home for the Healer.

Through my flow with Divine I pray it serves you and you perception of life for the good.

Keep in touch, 


Hollie Renea