I'm Hollie Renea
Just your every day human who began a journey that changed her forever. It was 2015 when I finally decided to quit hiding. I had a very rich relationship with the Divine and my gifts, in private from a very young age. However I didn't feel the urge to experience my connection in this new way until later on in life.
In 2015 I met my now husband James, dropped out of college and realized my true mission was to be in service to the collective. Understanding and honoring my gifts became a breath of life I didn't know I needed. After a few attempts at businesses outside of this industry, I finally went all in.

Sacred Channel
A mouth piece for Spirit in whatever way it calls.

Mentor and Guide
Supporting you as you support so many

Wife, Mom & Friend
My human thrives in the experiences life brings.

My Story
Just your every day human who began a journey that changed her forever. It was 2015 when I finally decided to quit hiding. I had a very rich relationship with the Divine and my gifts, in private from a very young age. However I didn't feel the urge to experience my connection in this new way until later on in life.
In 2015 I met my now husband James, dropped out of college and realized my true mission was to be in service to the collective. Understanding and honoring my gifts became a breath of life I didn't know I needed. After a few attempts at businesses outside of this industry, I finally went all in.

Why I Do It
Being the well of wisdom for the Spiritual Healers of this world is an honor beyond words. I spent most of my life in deeply rooted anxiety. I was hiding my gifts in every aspect of my being and hiding away caused me to not tap into my truest potential this lifetime.
I vowed to fully allow myself to be in the power I always desired to feel. My journey as a spiritual healer was not been the easiest. It brought me to my knees in my suffering turned gratitude.
I will play out the rest of my lifetime on earth to support as many spiritual healers as I can as they support the collective.

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