Welcome home and thank you for all that you do!


Home for the Healer is a perfect place for you the healer, to be held and supported as you support so many. Our mentorship program is designed to bring you the most success so that you may create the largest impact possible!
Pricing Options

Supporting you as you support many:


 Healing the Human: Support on your own healing journey and consciously creating the life you desire. Balance life as a healer with ease.

 Leadership and Business: Become the most ethical leader with strategies that work for you and your gifts. Learn how to hold space for collective with flow.

  Gift Expansion: Explore and master your already developed gifts and learn how to activate new gifts to approve in your business and life

 Connection to Divine: Forge an unwavering relationship with the Divine. Discover how to draw even closer to your connection with God. 


The Agenda: 

Use you sessions however you desire, however, I have mapped out a tentative 'agenda' for each session per month:

  •  Week One: Dedicate to the month ahead, make plans, create strategies and work on consciously creating your life with the Divine
  • Week Two: Exercise your gifts. Spend the call using your gifts, getting coaching from me and learning new tools to maximize your impact.
  • Week Three: Self Love and Healing. This week is to dedicate towards your spiritual growth, mindset and empowering you.
  • Week Four: Healing YOU- this session is to be used to receive a reading, energy healing, strategy in business or whatever you need. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Single Session


90 Minute Session

  • 90 Minute Call

  • Access to ONE of the following:  

    - The Agency - Self Paced Business Course (one month)

    - Access to The Sacred Membership (one month)

  • Session Notes

  • Call Replay
Book Here

Divine Proximity Primer


Per Month

  • 90 Minute Call per Month

  • Access to Mastermind Calls and Group Private Chat Support 

  • Access to The Agency - Self Paced Business Course

  • Access to The Membership for Healers 

  • Session Notes

  •  Resources that we feel will assist you to the fullest.

*Four Month Commitment 


Healer Package


Per Month

  • Weekly 45 Minute Calls via Zoom  

  • Access to Mastermind Calls and Group Private Chat Support 

  • Access to past and current masterclasses during our time together

  • Call replays

  • Session Notes

  •  Resources that we feel will assist you to the fullest.

  • Welcome gift

  • Welcome Channeled Reading from Hollie Renea  

*Three or Six Month Commitment 



Per Month

  • All Basic Healer Package Features
  • Two Custom Music for Meditations, Classes, etc.
  • Kajabi Set Up Website
  • Custom Funnel for Evergreen Course or Membership
  • Social Media Scheduling and Content Creation 
  • Podcast Set Up 
  • Four Video Edits per month
  • Welcome gift from Altar Goddess

  • Welcome Channeled Reading from Hollie Renea 

 *Three or Six Month Commitment 

Please Fill Out Form Below 

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